“State of Consciousness,” an upcoming thriller directed by Marcus Stokes, is generating considerable excitement. The article, which debuted on the Collider website alongside the movie’s exclusive trailer, sheds light on the film’s intriguing premise and the talent behind it.

Starring Emile Hirsch and Tatjana Nardone, “State of Consciousness” is set to premiere in theaters on March 15. The story revolves around Stephen, portrayed by Hirsch, who loses 18 months of his memory after participating in an experimental drug trial. His decision to partake in the experiment not only affects his memory but also reduces his prison sentence, introducing a complex moral dilemma.

The film delves into Stephen’s struggle to distinguish reality from illusions, paranoia, and potential conspiracies, with hints of a sci-fi twist reminiscent of “The Matrix” adding a captivating layer of complexity. Director Marcus Stokes, renowned for his work on series like “American Horror Stories” and “The Walking Dead,” is set to bring his unique storytelling style to this project, promising a thrilling and suspenseful cinematic experience. In addition to Stokes, the movie features a talented cast that includes Gaia Scodellaro, David Wurawa, Lara Pictet, and Kesia Elwin, further heightening anticipation.

In summary, “State of Consciousness,” with its exclusive trailer release on Collider, is shaping up to be a thought-provoking thriller. Directed by Marcus Stokes and starring Emile Hirsch, it offers an immersive exploration of memory, reality, and illusion, with the potential for mind-bending twists. Mark your calendars for March 15, when this captivating cinematic experience hits theaters.